Newbie question about LINUX are welcome!

If you are new to linux and you have question then you can ask me.
I will help as time permits.

I am not highly advanced user of Linux.
But I can help new comers in the world of Linux.

I am using UBUNTU STUDIO Linux on my laptop.

Wifi solution for ubuntu

This solution is for specific problem only.
I have compaq presario laptop.
It happen with my pc that there is driver for my WiFi adapter, but after installing ubuntu the wifi button is not activating i.e. it remains red.
So I just restart computer then go to Microsoft Windows and ther I connect to the wifi.
Then without swiching off the wifi buttong i restart the computer.
Go to ubuntu then ubuntu automatically detects the hardware and my wifi is on.

Is your was the same problem?

Slumdog Millionaire

Finally Indian talent engraves its name on OSCAR award.
Out of 10 nominations SLUMDOG gets 8 oscars.
Jay ho A. R. Rehman and team.
I like the story and offourse the music .... Jay ho....
For many years India is waiting for this moment. (Actually Slumdog is British Film).
As Anil Kapoor says, there is a variety of talent in bollywood.
I am happy today to see this moment.
It is said that there is no life in India without the Music. Rehman proved it.
All the small actors are also very good. And they are really from the slum of Bandra (Mumbai).
This film gets attention of all the world toward our Indian Film Industy and talent.
Keep it up!

Programming of Robots

We are using microcontroller Atmega8l as our robots brain.
Programming is done in WinAvr software. To burn this program we converted it into .hex file and using Linux Operating System and parallel port we burn it. We need only one parallel port cable, three resistors and two wires for this.
Our requiremet is:
1. Line following robot
2. mechanism for robot hand up/down
3. mechanism to beat the three drums

Windows Live

Windows live is latest product from Microsoft.
I experience it as very useful and attractive.
I recommend all of u to use this.
It contains social networking, files sharing, blog and many more...
my address is
Its SkyDrive facility provides amazing 25GB space for online storing, using which we can store and share our files.
Social networking i..e LIVE SPACES is also as powerful as MySpaces.
Use it and join me on spces.


I am happy to have a blog on
I am engineering student.
I am participating in ROBOCON 2009, an Inter-national level robotics competition to be held in Tokyo, Japan.
We have to carry a palanquine using one automatic carrier robot and one manual carrier robots.
One automatic traveler robot will sit in palanquine and after reaching to destination he should beat the all three drums.
Match lasts for 3 min. wish me a BEST OF LUCK!

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